Saturday, August 30, 2008

Week 2 & 3

Last week Noah gained almost 1 lb! Doctor said he is the "champion of growth"! His face looks rounder and he is heavier. We used to feed him 80 ml milk every 3 hours, now 80 ml milk lasts for only 2 hours. Yesterday, I bought a really cute hat for him. Who knows that the 0-3 month size is too small for him!!! I can't get his head into the hat, the hat just "sit" on top of his head!!

We haven't go out of house yet. Next week, aunt Kuo-Mei and uncle Herman will come to see him. Also my brother Charles will come from Toronto to visit us. We are so exciting to have him meet with them.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

One week old

I never know that baby has so many facial expressions. Little Noah can make 10 faces in 3 seconds. I enjoyed to watch his little face. When he's sleeping, he is little angel. When he got wet diapers or he is hungry, man, he is louder than the siren from the fire truck!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Welcome baby Noah Asher Thi

What started as an uneventful day ended as the happiest day of our lives! Wei had an appointment at 10:15 AM for an ultrasound. The plan was to go to the ultrasound then after the appointment, we would go to the Comcast office to drop off some equipment then on the way home stop by the bank. The ultrasound appointment went well everything look good. But then the tech notice the amniotic fluid was low so she double check and confirmed the fluid was low. She told us that it was nothing to worry about and that Wei might need a couple of days bed rest but to be on the safe side we should go to the hospital. The tech conferred with the doctor and he advise us to go to the hospital. When got to the hospital we went to labor and delivery ward thinking Wei would have a check up and then be sent home. We waited for the about 40 minutes and thought that a doctor would check on Wei's condition. Then a nurse told us that Wei was to be admitted because of the low fluid and that labor would be induce. Our initial thought was this couldn't be happening; the baby was not due for another two weeks. There were so many things we needed to be finish. We kept telling our self this was suppose to be a normal day, we were not suppose have the baby so soon! Wei was place on a monitor and also given medication to induce labor. The medication started
to work quickly and wei began to feel labor pains. We passed the time talking trying to get Wei mind of the pain. By late afternoon, the labor pain for Wei was too intense so she request medication to numb the pain. This seems to work for a while. We watch the monitor to see when the contraction was coming to pass the time. By late evening the pain medication was no longer affective and the contraction were becoming more frequent and longer. At this point the nurse decided that it was time to give birth and the doctor was called in for the delivery. Labor was short and our baby was born. Like many new parents, we took lots of picture and also some video. We called our family to spread the good news. That night and following day we had many visitors coming to see our baby. After all the excitement and also some much need rest for Wei, we brought Noah Asher Thi home on August 13. So now begins the first day of the rest of our lives with our new baby boy. The easy part is now over, the hard part is raising our son, but we are hopeful and excited on the journey we about take. With Gods blessing and our families support, We think we will do fine.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wei's Baby Shower

Saturday August 2 family and friends gathered for Wei's baby shower. It was a nice day for a very happy event. The baby shower was held at Joann's house who was the host of the shower. She did a great job decorating for the shower and as usual provide very nice party gifts. The gifts were tea pots with a theme of "Something Brewing." The usual Thi family members and many friends were all in attendance. The day was spent socializing. The shower was catered and there was plenty to eat. The best part was no usual family drama. The baby shower was the first time we got to see JJ attempt to crawl. he got better at crawling as the day progress. Josephine was up to here usual running around laughing and doing her baby talk which no one really understood. The highlight of the day was opening of all the gifts. Our family and friends were very thoughtful with their generous gifts. We got car seat from Fawn and Joe. Theresa made us a very nice three tier diaper cake with with toys. Joann and Steve gave us backpack diaper bag. Tom got the baby a Paul Frank t-shirt and $100. Phillip's mom got us a walker shape like a Mini Cooper. There were many more gifts that would take a while to list but what was most important is that our family and friends shared a joyful day with us. The day ended with cutting a Noah's Ark theme cake and sharing it with our family and friends.