Sunday, November 30, 2008

Noah's first Christmas tree

Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is our "tree day". We went to the tree farm to select Noah's first Christmas tree. Noah was cranky in the afternoon, maybe because his schedule was mixed up by holiday and also he has stuffed nose. It was cold too, he must be thinking in side of his little head--get me out of here! I want to go home!

Theresa and Kenny also picked a tree with us this year. Last year we got the trees together and both of our trees fell down at same night. Can't believe it's been a year already! We will take time to decorate it in this coming week.

Giving Thanks

The family gathering again at Thanksgiving night. We are grateful that everyone in the family is healthy and happy. We enjoyed the turkey and ham fest and also prayed for all of our other family members and friends and wish them a happy holiday.

Click here to view all pictures.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Joseph!

J.J. is one year old!! We got together to celebrate. The food was so good and we were happy to see everybody again. Joseph was exciting and waving his little arms when he saw the candle and the birthday cake.
After dinner, we stayed over night at Fawn's house. After bath, Josephine, Joseph and Noah were playing together. Josephine is a big sister now. She kept touching Noah and said "oh baby baby"! So cute but Noah was just looking around!
Thanks to Fawn of giving us a lot of JJ's clothes. Noah grows so fast that he couldn't fit in 6-month clothes we bought 2 weeks ago. I spent 2 days to clean up smaller clothes and put them away. Now we stocked up 9-month clothes but who knows how long they can last?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Fall afternoon in Washington Crossing Park

We went to Washington Crossing park this past Sunday afternoon. The park is only 15 minutes from our house by the both sides of Delaware river in PA and NJ. I pass by there everyday on my way to work. It was here that the Continental Army under the command of General George Washington landed after their historic crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night 1776.

This was the first time we used the baby carrier to take Noah outdoor. He kept looking around and tried to figure out where he was. The cool air and red leaves made this fall afternoon crystal clear just like the scenery from printed calendar.

Learn more about the park, go to

Happy Halloween!

It's 9:30 Friday morning
there's nothing in my mind but Halloween
I dressed up as a Sumeria
See if this will make me win!

(Oxford costume competition)

Happy Halloween!!

(PS. I didn't win, but I had fun! See video of Oxford Halloween, please go to the link: )
Great Aunt Mary sent me a "glow in dark" shirt, it is so cool!!! I love it so much, and the best is it fits me!!

My mommy wanted to get a picture of the mummy in dark, but too bad the picture turned out too dark. Anyway, we had fun! Thank you great aunt Mary!
