Monday, January 12, 2009

Noah looks like uncle Charles?

Yesterday when I was cleaning the old photos in my mom's, I found this picture of my brother, Charles. I don't how old he was, probably the same age as Noah now. Does Noah look like my brother? :)

Noah is 5 month!

Noah is 5 month now! Unbelievable, a tiny mini infant now is a big baby! Noah talks a lot and also screams a lot! He loves to join people's conversation and give his two cents. :)

He started eating baby food by spoon. He loves eating baby food than drinking formula.

Only thing he can't do id turn over! He is like a little ball so he probably needs to lose some weight in order to turn over!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Stephen

Last weekend we got together for Uncle Stephen's birthday! Gee, so many babies were there! We were all talking in our own languages and who cares for the cake??? Uncle Stephen got a lot of gifts. I am glad he had a great time.

I skipped my afternoon nap so I was cranky at the end. Emily has too much hair, I am so jealous. Mommy, why didn't you put a hat on my to cover my big bold head? Anyway, it was good to see everyone.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

We had a great time in 公公&婆婆's house for Christmas! Noah got a lot of gifts and he was so happy! 婆婆 got him a "first Christmas" hat, Santa bib and Reindeer shoes, sooooo cute!

We wish all our family and friends have a happy/wealthy 2009!

Click here to see all our Christmas pictures.