Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Wei and Matthew!

Matthew's birthday and mine is only 4 days away. Phillip bought a cake for me on my birthday which is Thursday. We celebrated on Friday (July the 3rd) again because everyone was off for the July 4th holiday. We celebrated Matthew's birthday on Sunday because his birthday is on Monday. So all together, We ate cakes 3 times!

My in-law family bought a mixer for me as a I have a wonderful tool to make cakes! Ha ha! I did made a rabbit cake for Matthew on Sunday because he put the "order" way back in May. I think he liked it and it taste pretty good. Hum...Noah liked it too!

Too busy

Since I went back to school, I didn't have time to update this blog at all.
Here are some pictures that we took during this 2 weeks and the pictures Charles took when he was here in June.

Friday, July 3, 2009


上星期我們去 Tyler 的生日晚餐,餐廳的正廳中有座關公像。遠遠的看到有一坨白白的東西在關公像前,走近了才看清楚原來那白白的東西是一本小型月曆,上面戳了一個洞剛好掛在關公伸出來的兩個指頭上。真是方便啊!不知道關公像除了庇佑生意外還有附加功能哪!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tyler's Birthday

Last Sunday we went to Tyler's 1 year old birthday party in Philly Chinatown. Tyler's grandma is a good friend of Noah's grandma (my mother-in-law). They have been friends for more than 20 years. During the dinner, 2 grandmas chatted for long time while they holding their grandson. I don't know if the 2 grandsons were chatting in the baby language too?