Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Surprise! We got gifts!

We were surprised that found a package on the front porch this afternoon. It was from Great Aunt Mary and Great Uncle Richard! Both Noah and mommy got birthday gifts! Thank you Great Aunt Mary and Great Uncle Richard! Mommy loves the handmade bowl and Noah loves the Scout~ We opened it right away and installed the software to personalize little Scout. Noah checked out Scout from top to toe, and he loves the music it plays. I printed out a Scout coloring sheet, Noah was serious working on a master piece.

Thank you Great Aunt Mary and Great Uncle Richard! We miss you!

"Hum...A green dog? Check it out!"

"Night time music...Good night! I am laying down."

"Let's pick a color for Scout's ears."

"Take a close look."

"It should has the color that rainbow has!"

Hockessin Express

Beside fire truck, Noah loves train. 婆婆 always wanted to take Noah for a train ride but never have time. September 12, we went back to Newark for 公公's birthday. 婆婆 found a train tour in Wilmington that goes to Hockessin (DE). It's about 1 and half hour ride. So we decided to take a train ride to celebrate 公公's birthday (? but seems like that we go for Noah's sake!)
Noah was amazed by the real train...the only thing he said was "chi-ge chi-ge chi-ge CHU~ CHU~"! The ride is just ok, but we all had a great time.

Karaoke night

We went back to 公公婆婆's last weekend. 公公 bought a new karaoke machine from New York Chinatown. We were honored to be the first to use it. Phillip loves songs of Ku-Fu movies and TV shows, I finally can see some new MTV of those people I never seen but read from the online entertainment news.

Of course, Noah has his favorite: 兩隻老虎 (two tigers) and 小星星 (twinkle twinkle little stars)。

First day of School

Noah goes to school now! We thought it's time to let Noah meet new friends, read and play together. It's better than stay home with mommy! We bought a bee backpack for him . There are diapers, wipes, snacks, and little toys in it. Even the side packet can hold a cup. He call it "Be-pai-pai". He will hold it when Dora's backpack is singing! He sure loves the bee backpack, but not much about school. After 3 weeks, he still cry when I dropped him off.