Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

Today we visited Longwood Graden for the first time. It was about an 1 1/2 drive from our house. The weather was perfect. It was sunny and clear which made it a perfect day for a walk in the park. We arrived 11:30 am and there was not many people. Wei and I decided to walk around to see if anything in the gardens caught our interest. We saw some Peony and other types of flower. For the most part it was not too exciting. We past by one of the tree house in the garden. The tree house was interesting but not very exciting since it was really crowded. We took a few pictures and proceed to the next garden and again not to much excitement. We decided to walk through the meadows took a couple more pictures. At this point Wei was becoming a little tired and needed a place to rest. Unfortunately there was no place to sit in the field so we had to walk up a small hill to leave the meadows. We found a shaded spot near an administration building. We rested for a while and walk to another tree house which not too crowded we took some more pictures. At this point it was about 1PM and we both were hungry so we decided to go to the Terrace Cafe for some lunch. The line for cafe was a mile long but the wait was not too bad. Something interesting happen while we waited in line. There a women well at least it look a woman happen to walk past. Wei and I debated whether it was a woman or man dress like a women. Well after some debate we well at least myself believe it was very ugly old man dress like a women. The funnest part was this ugly she-man wore high heel boot to walk on grass and dirt. This seem invite a broken ankle with one wrong step. Well after this little episode we walk to the conservatory which was by far the best part of the day. There were some many interesting flowers, plants, and other things to see. Like so many other places that are interesting and somewhat fun, the conservatory was pack with people and screaming kids. Wei and I took a lots of pictures of some very interesting flowers and other items. I have included the some of the pictures in this post. I hope you enjoy the pictures. It was a fun day over all and we did enjoy our time at Longwood Gardens.

More pictures are available at

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