Friday, July 25, 2008

Who does our baby will look like?

Yesterday, my friend Holly emailed me a picture of her friend and her new born baby. Amazingly the baby girl looks just like her mother! Wow-- only one day old, you can see the great work of gene on the baby's face! I can't stop wondering who does our baby will look like? I have small eyes, so I hope Noah will have Phillip's eyes. Phillip's head is squarely, so I think baby better has the egg shape of face (like me)! I know I can use Photoshop to combine these 2 pictures and trying to foresee our baby's face, but since it's only 5 weeks away, I better just wait! Anyway, I think Phillip and I look like in these baby pictures. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Getting Ready for our baby

These past few weekends, we spent time to set up the nursery. Last weekend, I washed all the baby clothes. My brother-in-law Kenny helped Phillip to move Matthew's dresser and changing table into Noah's room. Also, we got baby JJ's cradle from Fawn, Christopher's the Pooh music toy and Tom's bed! We are so lucky that our baby got all the family's bless and help before he is born.

My mom told me that when I was little, she bought a stuff elephant for me. I like it so much and eventually chew it up! She bought one for Noah too, hope he will like it just like I loved mine (but I wish he won't chew it and get mouth full of cotton).
The cute piggy bank was from Hallmark. I never seen such cute piggy bank. I hope Noah will have good sense of the value of money.

Only 5 weeks left, we can't wait to meet our little Noah.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Madeleine!

July 12 our family gathered at Fawn and Joe’s house to celebrate Madeleine 15th birthday. The weather for the most part was good but a little humid. We had sushi for appetizers while we waited for the grill ribs and shrimp. As customary Chinese tradition Madeleine was given red envelope with money. Red means luck and that is what we wish for Madeleine as grows into a fine and hopefully a responsible young lady. We are not sure what happen but Madeleine name was misspelled on her cake. After she blew out her birthday candle Josephine some how got hold of one of the candle and proceeded to chew on it. We had the usual family chitchat and thankfully no Thi family drama, which is customary at ever-family gathering. As customary when the opportunity arises, the women in the family decided to go shopping. While the women were out shopping we decide to order a pay per view movie called “Cloverfield.” The not the best move in the world and the best way to describe the move is Godzilla meets the Blaire Witch project. The movie was a dizzying blur of action for about 1 hour and most likely would have caused a lot of motion sickness. Joseph was left in our care during this time. For the most part he was good and we were able to amuse him until he got tired and was put to be bed. The day wound down to pizza at 9:30 pm before the entire left for home. All in all it was a good day spent with family.


After a long discussion and with some careful thought, have decided the name our son Noah Asher. Both names are Hebrew. Noah means peaceful, which is what we hope for our son. Asher means fortunate, lucky, blessed, and happy which is what we have experienced by the blessing of God. It is very hard to put into words what we feel when think about our son. But we feel blessed everyday and are thankful for what we have.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to Wei and Happy July 4th

Wow, I can't believe it's another year already. I have moved to PA for a year. Last year this time, I just moved and was trying to find a job. This year, many family and friends celebrated my birthday with me.

1. Phillip sent flowers to my office. I was so surprised and thought it was a cake...Alicia thought too and we planed to eat the cake after lunch...then we realized that the cake was flowers! I was very touched and happy the whole day!
2. After work, the family went to dinner together.
3. Matthew played the "happy birthday song" then came over blow the candle with me.
4. O2 design also bought me a cake on Thursday. The chocolate mousse cake, oh... it was delicious!
5. July 4th weekend, we went to my parents' new house in DE. Dad can't wait to get a big flat screen TV! After arranged the furniture and set up the 52" TV, the family room is very cozy! We love the house, every room has big windows and they were big and bright!
6. we got a lot of gifts from many friends, most of them are for our baby! Lang-ying and Even sent baby shoes and toys from Taiwan, auntie Kuo-Mei, Mary, Charles and auntie Ruby also mailed packages of baby clothes and supplies to us. I am so thankful that I have many family and friends around and they are welcome our baby with us. Look at these cute little outfit, Phillip and I are more and more exciting. Only 8 weeks to go now!!