Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Getting Ready for our baby

These past few weekends, we spent time to set up the nursery. Last weekend, I washed all the baby clothes. My brother-in-law Kenny helped Phillip to move Matthew's dresser and changing table into Noah's room. Also, we got baby JJ's cradle from Fawn, Christopher's the Pooh music toy and Tom's bed! We are so lucky that our baby got all the family's bless and help before he is born.

My mom told me that when I was little, she bought a stuff elephant for me. I like it so much and eventually chew it up! She bought one for Noah too, hope he will like it just like I loved mine (but I wish he won't chew it and get mouth full of cotton).
The cute piggy bank was from Hallmark. I never seen such cute piggy bank. I hope Noah will have good sense of the value of money.

Only 5 weeks left, we can't wait to meet our little Noah.

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