Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My first glamour shot

We went to grandma's house this past week. We didn't do much except sleep and eat. But just sleeping and eating made me feel so relax! The only trip was going to Rehoboth beach on Wednesday. We just walked along the beach, sight seeing then went home. Everyone had yammy ice cream except me...mommy said I am too little to taste it...OK, here is one more reason that I want to grow up fast! Thursday my mommy took me to Babies R Us for my first glamour shot. Here they are, I hope you will like them.

Uncle Charles took a lot pictures by his new fancy camera during the week. I can tell he likes me very much. He watched me and held me when my mommy having her beauty sleep. My mommy will put more pictures online as soon as she get those pictures.

Ok, take care yo~, talk to you later!

Noah, XOXO

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