Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 4 - Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Noah's 4th week was a busy week! We went to grandma's house on Wednesday and it was the first time we went out after Noah was born (except doctor visits). Grandma bought a rocking chair, who gets to hold Noah can sit and rock! Thursday grand aunt Kuo Mei and grand uncle Herman came all the way from North Carolina to celebrate Grandpa's 70 years old birthday. They brought a big box of sweet and juicy peaches, beautiful roses, and new outfits and gifts for Noah!

Friday night, grand auntie Kuo Mei treated us a fantastic dinner at a famous restaurant Bistro Romano, a Historic Philadelphia Restaurant close to the river. The food was excellent, but the best is grandpa's birthday cake- strawberry pineapple rum cake! This was first time Noah went to a restaurant. He has been a good boy and didn't cry much in that long 5 house. Next week, we will meet uncle Charles, he will come back to see Noah from Toronto. We are so exciting and can't wait for that!

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