Sunday, September 14, 2008

Noah's baptism

On September 13 we celebrated Noah’s one month and also his baptism. Noah’s was baptized in Old Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. This was same church we were married in a year ago. It was a very special day we celebrated with our family. Steve and Joann were Noah’s godparents. Noah’s baptismal name was Patrick, which was chosen by his great uncle Father Andrew Thi who performed the baptism and celebrated mass. Noah was asleep through out the mass and also through the baptism. Wei’s brother came all the way from Canada to share in the happy occasion. After the baptism we had lunch in Chinatown. This was Noah’s first trip to New York City and also Chinatown. Noah slept through all the noise of the city and the crowed Chinatown streets. Nothing seemed to bother him and he was very content in stroller. We had about 30 guests for lunch and the food as usually was very good. Noah received many nice gifts and also got some money. Great Uncle Father Andrew gave Noah a very special gift. The gift was a gold replica of the Bird Nest Stadium from the summer Olympic in China. Great Uncle Father Andrew brought the gift back from his month long trip to Hong Kong and Taiwan. We were very happy and overjoyed on a very special day for Noah. We know there will be many more special days. Noah has brought into our live so much happiness and joy we often wonder how ever lived without it.

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