Friday, June 26, 2009


吃完晚飯,我們把Noah放在小圈圈裡玩。Phillip 和我想吃點冰淇淋享受一下。我們把冰淇淋端上桌,Noah就開始叫,因為他知道我們有好吃的卻不給他吃。只好把他又抱出來,坐在高椅子裡。我用小調羹挖了一點點給他嘗看看,哇!這下可好,這可是他吃過最好吃的東西了,比蛋糕還棒呢!他一邊吃一邊跳,很享受這冰冰甜甜的味道。幾湯匙後,小碗見底了,我對他說“吃光光了“,他還不相信呢,頻頻往碗裡看,大概心裡想,真的沒有了嗎?媽媽會不會騙我?有照片為證喔!

After Dinner, we decided to have some ice cream. Noah saw us and started screaming. He wanted to eat everything we eat! We put him back in the high chair. I scooped a little bit ice cream and gave it to him. He loves it! Now he knows there's something better than cake! He really enjoyed the cool and sweet sensation. After few spoons, we ate it all. I told him "we finished the ice cream!", but he didn't believe me. He kept looking into the bowl... He probably thought, did we really finish this good stuff? Is mommy kidding me?

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