Thursday, June 18, 2009

Family gethering

We went back to 婆婆's house for few days to see uncle Charles, grandaunt Kuo-Mei, granduncle Herman and Liu 舅老爺. Liu 舅老爺 is 婆婆 and 姨婆's friend. They have been friends forever!

Noah was still cranky because teething. He had fever in the first 3 days, then he got cold. All the adults had fun but not Noah! Even though he was glad to see everyone there. The only way to calm him done was let him watch Moose A. Moose from youtube on iPod or computer!

We didn't go anywhere except a park (on the way of dropping Charles in the Philly airport). Uncle Charles took all the pictures so we will wait until he email us the pictures! Anyway, we are glad to be back home, back to our routine.

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